November 6, 2007

Tropical Storm Noel update, #18

According to the Center for Emergency Operations (COE) 18th bulletin: 137 communities are still isolated, 85 people are dead and 48 are still missing. A total of 47 bridges and roads have been affected, although seven temporary routes have been opened. The bulletin indicates that 34% of the 110 aqueduct systems have been restored and 133 shelters are still housing 26,491 evacuees. In all 4,406 people were rescued according to the report and 66,608 people have been displaced. (Cited from, 06 November 2007.)

We continue to thank the LORD for his protection during this storm that pretty much took the whole country by surprise. It developed so close to the island that by the time weather forecasters realized how large the storm was becoming, they had to scramble to get the word out. Plus it was Sunday (28 Oct), the day most Dominicans do their weekly shopping and household chores, so few people were listening to the radio or watching TV to hear the warnings. The storm dropped so much rain that the majority of the deaths and damage were from flash floods in low areas that caught everyone off guard.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). Knowing and trusting in the Gospel, which is God's wisdom in Christ, makes us ready so that we are *not* taken by surprise on our last day - whenever that may be.

The Lord bless you with His peace,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates, Nate. We praise God for the mercy he has shown all those involved in the work in DR. We continue to pray for all of those who suffer in the aftermath of Noel.
