May 10, 2009

Mother's Day for Sandra

Sandra's father died when she was eight years old. He had been suffering from leukemia for over a year and she had watched the disease ravage his weakened body. Homemade remedies and pills of different sizes and colors became quite common until he no longer had any strength left to fight off the disease.

Sandra's mother was left alone, with six small children and another one on the way. Without work and no income, she had no way to continue supporting all her young ones. Her first thought was to "farm out" the children to different relatives even though her husband's dying wish was to keep the family together. Plans were set in motion to send the children to different relatives.

Then Merecedes, a lady from the community, stepped forward and offered to take all five of the girls. Sandra's mother agreed, and so it was that Sandra was raised by Mercedes along with her four sisters. Mercedes honored the dying wish of Sandra's father.

Some time later Sandra's mother remarried. Sandra hoped and hoped that now that her mother was no longer on her own she would come for her children and reunite her family since they were still living in the same town. This did not happen. Her mother eventually had two more children with her new husband, but never approached Sandra, her sisters or Mercedes.

Sandra grew up under Mercedes' care and married and started a family of her own. Her husband, Alex, is a seminary student in the WELS and studies with LATTE professors. Alex began talking to Sandra about God's agape love, how much He has loved us, how much He has forgiven us.

This concept of agape love was a difficult struggle for Sandra. Years of resentment and rejection against her mother had built up inside her heart. "How could a mother treat her own children way? Why didn't she come for us once she had the means to do so?" Alex patiently repeated to her the truth of God's forgiveness and His agape love. A tear forms in Sandra's eye and her chin begins to quiver. "Then I began to understand how unfair I was being with my mother. I was harboring anger in my heart and sinning against my Savior. Continually I sinned against Him with my anger and He just kept forgiving me. How could I point my finger at my mother?"

Does Sandra still struggle with the pain and anger? "Yes, there are days when the memories creep back into my mind. Sometimes the same questions go round and round in my head. Many days I forget about God's love and how many, many times He has forgiven me. But the Holy Spirit brings me back. He shows me the cross".

Sandra is planning a trip out to the "campo" where her mother is living. She doesn't visit very often and hasn't seen her for a while. But a desire is starting to form in her heart. She wants to talk to her mother about this agape love.

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