September 6, 2009


He gave the sea its boundary, so the waters would not overstep his command.
Prov. 8:29

When people hear that you live on an island, they naturally assume that you must spend lots of time at the beach. Not so. Santiago is about two hours from the closest beach. Although we enjoy the ocean views, the most we see of the water is on our monthly visits to San Pedro. A good part of that drive is along the southern coast line, which is just beautiful.

The major industry here in the DR is still tourism, so many people come here to enjoy the beaches. From the pictures, you can see why. So, if you would like to enjoy another wonderful part of God's creation, come to the DR and see the beauties His hands have wrought in the sea and the sand.

I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it could not cross.
Jer. 5:22

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the invitation! When would be a good time to come?

    And thanks, Kathy, for keeping the blog up to date!

    Larry R.
