October 3, 2009

Grace for Graceli

"We should not doubt at all that wherever one is being baptized the heavens are assuredly opened and the entire Trinity is present and through its own presence sanctifies and blesses the person being baptized". Martin Luther

The angels rejoiced today as another believer was added to the ranks. Graceli became a believer this morning through the sacrament of Baptism, the sprinkling of water connected with the promise of the Word.

Christians rejoiced today as they witnessed the Trinity working new life in this infant. Children bring joy into families as a new life begins and grows. How much greater the Christian's joy when we see that Graceli has been given faith and eternal life.

Graceli rejoiced today when the Holy Spirit entered into her heart and gave her the first spark of faith. She has been washed in the blood of her Savior and made an heir of heaven. She has received grace, the undeserved love that God pours out on all His children.

"Holy Baptism has been purchased for us by the same blood which Christ shed for us and with which he paid for our sin. This blood, with its merit and power, he has deposited in Baptism so that men attain it there. The person who is receiving Baptism in faith is in effect actually being visibly washed with the blood of Christ". Martin Luther

1 comment:

  1. Kathy -

    Thanks for keeping us up to date!

    Larry R.
