We made a trip to Tamboril, along with Pastor Alex from Moca and his family and Nelson and his family. We wanted to make an evangelism visit to some of Nelson's family members.
After we got to the house, Nelson's family took us on a walk up the hillside. When we got to the top, we could see all the way to Santiago. It was very beautiful. Nelson wanted us to stay until night time because he said it was even a more spectacular view in the dark with all the city lights shining.
As a result of our visit, Nelson was able to set up classes with his family members. He hopes to study Christian doctrine with them and then use their home as a base to reach out to other neighbors in their area. We are thankful for this opportunity to witness and pray that the Lord will use Nelson's zeal and his efforts to reach many more hearts with the good news of forgiveness in Jesus the Savior.
Say hi to all our friends in Tamboril!!! Many good memories of home visits with students!